Wendy Davis: The best choice for Texas

Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis

Texas Publishers Association

On Nov. 4 Texans will cast their votes for the next governor of the state. With only one week remaining to decide, the two leading candidates Wendy Davis and Greg Abbott are stomping the campaign trail to garner as much support as possible. We at the North Dallas Gazette are here to join in that support with our endorsement of Davis who we feel is not only the right choice for our state but the only candidate who if elected will use the full weight of the governor’s office to fight for all Texans and roll back the assaults on our educational system, women’s rights and voter’s rights that we have endured the past 14 years under Gov. Rick Perry.


On education

In 2011 the 82nd Legislative Session under the leadership of the Republican Party cut funding for public education by $5.4 billion, something that had not been done in over 60 years and something that will not be done under the leadership of Davis. Not only was Davis the only senator to oppose those massive cuts but she has also continued to be one of the very few lone voices fighting for the restoration of those cuts, unlike her opponent Abbott. She knows that it’s not just good parenting, “family values” or strong communities that contribute to a child’s success. Funding and policy has to be in place to back those efforts.

Davis knows that a one size fits all approach to our public education system is not effective. It hinders teachers’ ability to teach, as do standardized tests. Most important, she values teachers, the ones standing in the trenches every day, on the frontline trying to make a difference. Davis recognizes you do not get the necessary results by cutting teachers’ salaries and over crowding their classrooms.


On health care

Texas Republicans continue to refuse federal funding to expand Medicaid, forfeiting billions of dollars in health care aid that is much needed. In fact Abbott has no shame in claiming one of his first agendas if elected is to end affordable health care (Obamacare).

Meanwhile Texas leads the nation in uninsured people with close to 1.5 million Texans unprotected and less likely to receive needed medical treatment.

This Republican method of cutting off your nose to spite your face because they still haven’t gotten over the election of President Obama is hurting millions of Texans. Millions who are already paying into a federal program but not benefiting from it. Davis supports the Affordable Healthcare Act and will utilize those federal funds to insure Texans are receiving the care they need and that is including women who have been the target of a vicious assault by Republicans since 2011. Texas needs a governor who understands a woman’s right to choose is a personal decision and one that should not involve government. Abbott claims he believes in smaller government but that’s only when it benefits his cronies.


On voting rights

Although poll taxes were ruled unconstitutional in 1964, Abbott along with his Republican comrades would like to take Texas back to the “good ole days” by implementing voter identification laws. The state law, enacted in 2011 and overturn by Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos because of its strict mandates requires voters to show a state-issued driver’s license, personal ID card or concealed handgun license, or a U.S. citizenship certificate, military ID card or passport. According to Ramos more than half a million registered voters, mostly Black and/or Hispanic would be impacted.

Recently, thanks to a Supreme Court decision, Texas will be able to use its voter identification law in this upcoming election.

Texas is in dire need of real leadership. We need someone with vision and the tenacity to fight for the disenfranchised. We need someone who understands that multinational, multi-billion-dollar companies who can afford to pay their CEOs seven figure salaries should at the very least be required to pay their lowest paid workers an hourly wage of $10. This is all the more reason why we need Davis at the helm. Republicans are bent on taking the state back to the 19th century and creating two distinctive classes, the overlords and the serfs.

There is only one candidate that offers solutions to our problems and gets it right on all of the issues. That candidate is Davis not Abbott.