Pursuing the Goal in the Christian Life Philippians 3:1-21 Part III


Having employed the words – “Finally, my brethren” in Philippians 3:1, one would have concluded that the grand Apostle Paul was about to conclude this epistle.  However, Paul was urged to continue this epistle, informing us that there was danger lurking among the Philippian believers because of the insidious teaching of the Judaizers.  Certain men, called the Judaizers, insisted that Gentile believers had to submit to the law, especially the law of circumcision in order to be saved.  To abolish this error, Paul was deeply urged to warn the Philippian believers of this dangerous teaching of the Judaizers.

Philippians 3:1-21 may be outlined as follows: I. The Dangerous Teaching of the Judaizers Revealed – Philippians 3:1-3; II. The Pedigree of Paul Unveiled – Philippians 3:4-14; III. The Exhortation to Steadfast Spiritual Maturity – Philippians 3: 15-21.

III. The Exhortation to Steadfast Spiritual Maturity – Philippians 3: 15-21

In verse 15, Paul exhorted the Philippian believers to share with him in his pursuit of Christlikeness.  What he wanted for himself he also wanted for them.  Paul’s appeal here was to maturing believers who share his ambitions.  He trusted God to make things clear to those who disagreed with him.

In verse 16, Paul exhorted the Philippian believers to live up to what they had already attained, namely a righteous position in Christ.  In verse 17, Paul urged the Philippian believers to imitate his example of pursuing Christlikeness.  Those Philippian believers who followed him would join with others who were already doing so.

In verses 18-19, Paul was deeply concerned about the spiritual welfare of the Philippian believers.  He warned them that there were false teachers who were enemies of the cross (v.18).  As enemies of God these false teachers were destined for destruction (v. 19).  Moreover, Paul gives three apt descriptions of these false teachers in verse 19: their god is their stomach, their glory is in their shame, and their mind is on earthly things.  In other words, these false teaches are greedy, they want to be praised, and they depend on earthly things to gain merit with God.

In verses 20-21, although believers are living on this earth, we are looking expectantly for the Lord’ return (v. 20).  At the Rapture of the church, Christ will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.  At that time, every child of God will receive glorified bodies like Christ (v. 21).

May God Bless!