Dr. Ester Davis
Dr. Ester Davis

By Dr. Ester Davis
The Barack Obama MalDespite what we read and see on television about young black men, the good news is that ‘good news’ about young black males have to be told boldly by genuinely good black people. So, here is my report, and I will start with the robot bartender and my inspiring weekend. A group of young black men from Atlanta have created a device called the “Monsieur”, that allows users to have their drinks automatically mixed. On Saturday night I attended a “Launch Party” for Black Contemporary Television (Channel 55.4) where the hosts were young black ivy league graduates who decided to run a luxury penthouse loft with a balcony view I might add. (See Secret Luxury, downtown Dallas, across from the Adolphus Hotel. A splendid beautiful place! Sunday morning at church, I heard a sermon by a young black male who grew up in my church, talk about  materialism and wanting everything without developing anything. Picking up my emails on Sunday night, I received a lengthy note from corporate executive Timothy Cavitt, a young black male in China on business for a couple of weeks.

But, I am getting off the subject as usual. Sci-Fi Television shadows innovations and technology. Robots have long been a figment of imaginations that have now come of age. We see a lot of science fiction on television, not knowing that a large percentage of robots and other products are being tested and on their way to market somewhere in the world. Such is the story about the “Monsieur”. reports that “it might sound unusual for a robot bartender to whip up cocktails in the kitchen as you come home from work, but a new concept could make this the new norm.” Here is how it works. “You load the alcohol or drink of your choice in the back of the system. It will then create a customized menu based on whatever you put in. Choices for mixing then appear on the touch screen. After selecting the one you want, you can choose drink strong, medium or light”. This fabulous idea is led by a team of graduates of Atlanta’s Georgia Tech, who are working on a home version according to and from there to the great and global mass market. Just think, flying cars are just around the corner.

Dr. Ester Davis can be reached at 214.376.9000, and is the Guest Speaker for Dorrie Miller Post, Sunday, November 10th.