Giving Thanks

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

This week, as we prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, I am continually reminded of the importance family and the mandate of being thankful. It is important to give thanks for the people in our lives, for continued prosperity and for the blessings we receive every day. This year, as I prepare to celebrate with my own family, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the people of my district.

Today, there are nearly 750,000 people from various ethnicities, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds that make up the rich, diverse fabric of District 30. For 22 years, I have been fortunate enough to be the voice and champion of a district that has embraced its diversity and who remains committed to finding sensible, innovative solutions to big problems. I am thankful for the families who support educational opportunities for their children; for the business owners who accept social responsibility; and for the compassionate men and women who fight to ensure the safety and protection of our children and elderly. Their courage, humanity and vision for our district, city, state and nation fuel the passion with which I serve.

I am thankful for your unwavering, relentless support. In November, the people of District 30 came out to the polls with intense support. Despite the newly imposed Voter ID law in Texas aimed to disenfranchise minorities, poor and elderly voters, the men and women of District 30 exercised their right to vote with great zeal and re-elected me to the U.S. House of Representatives with 87.9 % of the vote. I am thankful for the change and resources this support helps me to secure for Dallas and the surrounding cities.

As I draw upon the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of a powerful speech by President John F. Kennedy, and would like to share these words with you:

“Today, we give our thanks, most of all, for the ideals of honor and faith…for the decency of purpose, steadfastness of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility…we must seek every day to emulate. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.

On that [Thanksgiving] day let us gather in sanctuaries dedicated to worship and in homes blessed by family affection to express our gratitude for the glorious gifts of God; and let us earnestly and humbly pray that He will continue to guide and sustain us in the great unfinished tasks of achieving peace, justice, and understanding among all men and nations…”

Shared with the American people in great confidence on November 4th, 1963 these words still remain true as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day in 2014. On Thanksgiving Day, we gather with our loved ones to share food and blessings. This year, as I prepare to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday, I am more than thankful for the opportunity to serve. I continue to wish infinite blessings to you and yours.