Former President Donald Trump Indicted In Federal Court In Miami For Alleged Wrongdoing


By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.

When does a person hit rock bottom in their life? What makes them say enough is enough? When does some level of humility kick in and they say I am sorry.

Like you, I have been reading and seeing the political storm surrounding Donald Trump, our country’s former president.

Just last week, Mr. Trump had 37 charges filed against him for the alleged mishandling of classified documents. He obviously thought he could simply take the documents home with him.

These documents were of a sensitive nature. A stronger term might be “top secret”. Maybe because of who he is, he thought there would not be a problem.

It is my opinion Mr. Trump has always thought of himself as several cuts above the rest of us. Therefore, with that mindset, he is the king and America is his castle.

As with all people who are self-absorbed and selfish, they usually come to a screeching halt, one that is heard around the world.

Such is the crashing now that is happening to Donald Trump. It is occurring right in front of our eyes. This is my opinion.

Of course, Mr. Trump was indicted recently in New York and now in Florida.

Jack Smith, the special prosecutor, was methodical in gathering the evidence and presenting the facts. Some criticized Smith for not being more aggressive. It is my thinking that he just let the facts speak for themselves.

Mr. Trump seems to be un-moved and un-fazed by this latest indictment. After his arraignment in Florida, he traveled to Bedminster, New Jersey for a fundraiser.

Reports say that he has raised over 7 million dollars since his federal indictment. You can’t downplay the fact that there are still people who believe in the virtues of Donald Trump.

All of us have our opinions about his guilt or innocence. For example, some members of both houses of Congress have different views. Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy believes that he is innocent and is the victim of a political witch hunt. Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana also believes Mr. Trump has been targeted because of politics.

On the other hand, Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell has remained silent.  Republican Senator, John Thune said, “There are very serious allegations in the indictment and that the Justice Department is handling this fairly and as they would for any other elected official.”

We will wait and see if other elected officials offer their opinions on what is transpiring with Mr. Trump.

I do wonder about those who support him so vigorously. There are a few questions that surface at the inquiry desk.

First, when classified documents are found at someone’s house isn’t that illegal? Maybe not in the eyes of his supporters. Second, what are constituents saying about their elected officials who support him?

Are elected officials fearful of not being reelected, so they conform to the party line? You know that is troublesome when you hold your own integrity hostage. Knowing what is right and acting upon what is right are two different things.

In the meantime, Mr. Trump still holds a double-digit lead in the Republican polls. Betting money has him garnering the nomination as the Republican candidate. However, I believe the GOP is anxious and worried.

They know that another indictment is coming soon from the state of Georgia. It is not if it is coming it is simply when it is coming. That would make me nervous. Wouldn’t you be too?

That will mean there will be three indictments against the former president of the United States of America. Regardless of your political persuasion that is sad.

Here is a scenario for you. He will be campaigning for president and be in court campaigning to stay out of prison at the same time. Get ready because that may just happen.