CALLIE Mama Callie, Dewberry Wofford CELEBRATING 100 YEARS


Callie Mama CallieCallie was born to the parentage of Lillie Taylor and Love Dewberry, November 10, 1913, the second of six children in Frankston, Texas.

Callie married the late Robert Bailey, Sr. in 1929, moved from Frankston, Texas to Dallas, Texas 1929. The proud parents of two children, five grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, and five great-great grandchildren.

Callie serves faithfully on Mothers Board of Bethelem. Callie attributes her longevity to “Gods Plan”. She knows that all things are important and nothing is impossible, if you believe, keep the faith, pray, give all glory to God.

She considers many, many younger male and female as her God children and teaches by examples. If someone is hungry, she feeds them, sick she comfort, pray, visit and sit with them, need clothing, she will find and provide. Callie loves all people.

The positive, negative and those who are still trying to sort things out.