A Little Bit of Faith: Give Thanks This Thanksgiving

Colleen White
Colleen White

By Colleen White

“…Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever” (Psalm 106:1). Well, it’s that time of year again, Thanksgiving. And for the Christian it is utmost important because we are thankful to our God for all that He has done for us, our family, our friends, our neighbors, and our nation. As a nation we pause to be thankful for the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us.

Yes, for some people Thanksgiving is a time when they prepare to go shopping, but in general, people are thankful for their bountiful harvest. All of us have something that we can be thankful for. The only thing we need to do is pause, get quiet, and think of, at least, one thing we can be thankful for. I’m sure there will be many things that will come across your mind.

This is why in the book of Psalm it says that we should always give thanks to the Lord because He is good. God is good in so many ways that we cannot comprehend them all. But He enjoys hearing us tell Him how thankful we are for the things He has done for us. Whether we know it or not, there are many things He has done.

So this Thanksgiving pause to give thanks to God for how He has blessed you and yours this past year. I know I will. Amen? Amen. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!