A Little Bit of Faith: Come, Lord

Colleen White
Colleen White

With all that is going on in the world we may want to stick our heads into a hole and stay there for a while. However, for those of us who are waiting for the Lord’s return, we see the chaos in the world as one of the many signs that the Lord is going to return soon. In the book of Revelation it says in the last chapter, “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).  The apostle John was anxious for Jesus to return.

When it seems as if all hope is gone, we too can be like the apostle John and say, “Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).  This does not mean that we are throwing our hands up and walking away from life’s trials. What it does mean that we recognize the signs and we too look forward to His return as well. We should be excited because we know that Jesus will return very soon.

Nevertheless, you might not be that excited about Christ’s returning because you are not ready.  If you’re not ready, does this mean that you are not saved? Does it mean that you’re not living your life the way you think you should? Or does it mean that you’re too in love with the world that you cannot let it go.

Whatever your reasoning take time to search your heart and see why you may not be excited that the Lord may be coming soon. Do know this, God already knows your heart, you too need to know your heart and stop telling yourself lies. Amen? Amen.