A Little Bit of Faith: Are You Willing To Accept Christ?

Colleen White
Colleen White

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).  The offer of salvation is not through anyone else but through Jesus.  Jesus has paid the price for our sins.  Therefore, if you think that you have to get yourself perfect before you give your life to Christ, you’re mistaken.

Too often many of us think that we have to clean ourselves up before we are willing to give our lives to Christ. We can never be clean enough. We can never be perfect enough. We can never purchase our sins on our own. There is nothing that we can do to save ourselves.

This is why it is so important to accept Jesus into your heart.  It is through His grace that we can be saved. That’s it. It’s that simple. You don’t have to jump through hoops. You don’t have to clap one hand and stand on your head. You don’t have to fight the battle on your own first. All you have to do is simply accept Christ into your life and acknowledge Him as your Lord and Savior.

For some people, this is too simple to do. They still think that they have to do something miraculous in order to be saved—but we don’t.  Once you are able to acknowledge that you’re a sinner and that you need Jesus’ grace and mercy and accept Him into your life, you’re saved.

All of us are in need of a hero and Jesus the Christ is our hero, our Lord, and our Savior.  Are you willing to accept what Jesus has to offer? I know I am. Amen? Amen.