Year of Reckoning

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Can we all just agree on this one thing.  The year 2017 was packed with layers of anxiety, thoughts, record breaking storms, “sex-in-the-city” offices, and insulting media conversations everyday.  Not a dull moment.  Now that 2017 is nearly over, you have to ask yourself ‘ what in the heck just happened?’

The word reckoning is defined as a ‘time’ when the consequences of the course of mistakes/misdeeds are felt.   And being a bit brutal. . . that feeling is laced with lies, coverups, drums of war and disregard for human dignity. And this ‘time’ slaps you in the face in a moment . . . of months.   This course is taking place in a place I love, the United States of America.  In this year of reckoning, I am reminded of a book written by Patrick Buchanan “A Day of Reckoning”.    Buchanan writes,  “while free enterprise is good, the worship of a free trade destroying the dollars, the de-industrializing of America and ending economic independence is cult madness”.

On the other side of the national coin there is Thomas Sowell’s  “Black Rednecks & White Liberals”.  For a personal perspective, please read this book… not the highlights, soundbits or reviews.   Sowell writes; “such are the ways of politics, where the crusade of the hour often blocks out everything else, at least until another crusade comes along and takes over the same monopoly of our minds”.   Whew!!!

Now, that we have looked at the global and national year of reckoning, there is one more.  On the local scene, Marvin Earle, a local businessman  passionately writes, via email about what circumstances closed the Dallas Urban League and why  is it still closed.  In addition, I was moved by a conversation with Robert Pitre, another local businessman,  concerning black landowners in the southern sector not receiving, still being denied necessary basic services, right-in-your-face, blatantly in the middle of a boom in Southern Dallas for all the world to see.

Make 2018 a ‘time’ of leaders. . .  not followers.  This year of reckoning should boil down to an individual course of action. . . not a course of misdeeds.

Ester Davis