Wine, Waistline and Mozart

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Are you losing weight in 2017?  What does grapes do in the body?   Do they stimulate weight loss or have a role in weight control?  Does the acids in grapes have the ability to delay growth of fatty cells? How much extreme stress, necessary and unnecessary, do you allow in your space daily?

The most notable resolution made in 2017 was to lose ten pounds.  Weight loss and weight control is on the minds of 80% of Americans. That is a staggering revelation!!  And there is no law, executive order, prescription or hotline headlining the ‘urgency of an overweight nation’.   It is quietly ignored except at doctor visits.

I have some news to ‘smile’ about.  It is largely known that red wine has a high antioxidant content that separate it from others wines.  The antioxidant “resveratrol” boost metabolism and is highly regarded as some protection against heart disease.  Some scientists have added anti-aging as a love connection in fine wines.   Red wines in moderation is a ‘happy’ healthy food.  Let’s define moderate consumption as one glass a day or for especially stressful days… two glasses.

Wine has history.  Among the works of Shakespeare are 56 references to wine.  The word wine is part of 145 Bible passages.   Doctors relate the size of your waistline to mountainous unmanaged stress, which is directly linked to the condition of your health.  Tapping into your waistline “requires some happiness in your life, purpose and regimented exercise”  says renown winemaker  Jean-Charles Boisset (Wine Enthusiast’s 2012 American Winery of the Year).  Cabernet Sauvignon is arguably the world’s most noble red grape – grown in nearly every wine producing country across the globe.  CNN notes wine and waistline as partners in weight control.  Wine will curtail your appetite, which makes  it a favorite at night in lieu of a snack that leaves crumbs in your bed.    So many of my audiences remember the series we produced on ‘Sleep Apnea” with former pro football players.    A sleep doctor told us repeatedly, ‘if you are not sleeping, you are dying’.  Sleep is not an option.

What does Mozart have to do with this article?   As a young music student with classes at the University of Houston, my professor would serve wine in tiny elegant glasses,  after recitals.  The rationale  was certain wine styles and music do result in perfect harmony.  Meaning great wines like great music is not easily produced.  His choice of music was Mozart. . . because Mozart “changes the flavor of wine”.   I still love wine and Mozart.

The loudest message here is commit to lose weight… and just do it.  We need you… in good health.

Coming Up:  “Where did Etiquette Go?”


Ester Davis is a celebrated writer, television producer and host of her signature shows.  She can be reached Tune in to Fishbowl Internet (FBRN.US) Thursdays 1PM.