“What Did You Expect?”


My Day

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Were you really surprised about the mob attacks on Capitol Hill last Tuesday?  What do you think would have been the final death toll had the “mob” been black?   Were you actually “shocked” at the mannerisms of these domestic terrorists?  How much of the action, destruction, and abuse of federal property did you watch in utter horror?  In a word for me, it was sincerely heartbreaking.  My opinion sense, as that of many, many  Americans, was sure that the “madness” and venum piling up on the shelf over the last 48 months,  would finally explode and all would come towering down. The thought of Capitol Hill as a “crime scene”  lingers as a nightmare and will enter the history books as a red white and blue stain on all Americans.

My simple question is what did you expect?  Admittedly, I did not like Number 45.  He was none of what this country promises. Putting that aside, for the past four(4)years,  Number 45 has had ‘abuse over here’ . . abuse over there’, cutting corners down there, evading, avoiding,  erasing, executive quibbling, recklessness, and absence-in-action.  He was overwhelmingly inducted into the Embarrassment Hall of Fame. We lived with ‘alternative facts’ before acknowledging every day lying from the President of the United States.  We lived with outrage overload over his ever ending callous nonsense. The daily dose of “tweets”  became the chief communique replacing press conferences, civil answers, common decency, and respect. Can you imagine, he hired and fired via tweet.  He openly, unabashedly represented a portion of the American public with purpose.  The attack on Capitol Hill was bound to happen in my opinion and we should have been prepared for an upheaval.

Number 45 had a substandard reputation long before the presidency. A bit of history. . . back in 1989 and the Central Park Seven.  Five young black and brown teenagers were arrested for a crime they did not commit.  Number 45 paid $25,000 for a full-page ad in a New York newspaper announcing their crime and conviction before the trial.  In 1991, he filed his first recorded bankruptcy after accumulating over three($3)billion dollars in debt.  In 1992, he has a very public affair with a twenty(20)year-old-something actress and divorced the mother of his three(3)young children. Why did the American voting population invest in a character with so many flaws?  What did you expect?

President #45 filed bankruptcy a total of six(6)times citing debts of 1.8 billion dollars plus.  After his series of bankruptcies in 2010, he manufactured a charge that President Obama was an illegitimate commander-in-chief, because he was not born in America.  That grass fire lie spread like a range war around the world over many months until finally President Obama stopped running the country and appeared with an official copy of his birth certificate.

Now, here we are with an attempt to overturn a legitimate lawful election and a Texas Senator wanna-be in charge.  Texas is now a purple state and moving on.  Ted Cruz is not a viable candidate for election in Texas and stands in the line with those charged.  Do sign the petition for Ted Cruz to be fired.  We MUST remember all these elected “lawless criminals” and their actions.  America deserves a future.

We must remember.