What can I eat if I have diabetes?


If you have diabetes, you may have trouble knowing what to eat. Many people think that having diabetes means you have to eat special foods. In reality, you can make a big difference in your health based on your food choices and how much you eat.

Planning your meals will help you control your blood sugar. It’s important that you eat three planned meals a day; don’t skip meals. Eat the same amount of food at each meal and space them out every four to five hours.

Below are some tips to help you with meal planning for sugar (diabetes) control:

  • The food that is good for you is good for your whole family
  • Your meal plan is made up of regular foods
  • You do not need “special or diabetic foods”
  • Time your meals with your diabetes medicines
  • Eat at least three meals a day. Do not miss a meal
  • Try to eat at the same time each day

Remember that the foods you eat will make a difference in your blood sugar. Some foods raise your blood sugar more than others. For example, carbohydrate foods such as fruit and milk raise your blood sugar the most. Skipping meals or eating too little food may make your blood sugar go too low. Eating too much at meals or snacks may make your blood sugar go too high.

Eating healthy when you have diabetes doesn’t have to be difficult. Below are a few easy tips to help you eat healthier:

  • Eat different types of vegetables each day
  • Work with your diabetes team to plan a snack, if needed
  • Drink eight glasses of water a day
  • Choose to eat more baked, boiled, broiled or grilled food for meals
  • Measure your food after cooking

Talk to your doctor about your diet and how you can keep your blood sugar under control by eating healthier. For more tips and helpful ideas on how to keep your diabetes under control, visit www.ParklandDiabetes.com.