West: If supporting children, teachers, women, and healthcare make me a radical, I’ll take it as a compliment

Senator Royce West visited his alma mater, Wilmer – Hutchins High School, as part of Principal for a Day.

TEAM WEST: “I’m hearing that dog whistle again…”

DALLAS–State Sen. Royce West (D-Dallas), is a candidate for the United States Senate and is in the July 14 Democratic Primary Runoff.  A spokesperson for John Cornyn made comments about West that was published in the Dallas Morning News. West indicated the spokesperson was clearly uninformed with several false claims about his campaign and his positions.

“It is clear Cornyn’s team does not know how to use Google,” West said. “If his spokesperson had bothered to use any commercial search engine, it would have been clear; not only does my campaign have vast grassroots support, we have been releasing in-depth policies, and my positions are clearly stated on my website.  Meanwhile, Senator Cornyn just continues to defend Donald Trump and his failed policies like a broken record,” West said.

He further took issue with Cornyn’s characterization of him as ‘calm,’ ‘tranquil,’ and ‘leisurely.’

“If John Cornyn really thinks ‘calm,’ ‘tranquil,’ and ‘leisurely,’ describe a person who has personally led the charge to turn Dallas blue, create two public universities, pass hundreds of pieces of legislation, is involved in the community, is very active in the Democratic party, continually fights for equal rights for all, for criminal justice reform, for immigrants to be treated as humans, for women’s freedoms, against voter suppression, for healthcare for all, for a quality and affordable public education system, for broadband in rural areas, for climate change initiatives, and yes, against voter suppression –  then he is more detached than I thought,” West said. “I will compare my legislative record and community involvement to his any day of the week,” West said.

Vince Leibowitz, Communications Director for West’s campaign, noted that West had participated in at least 12 forums or debates during the main primary, made more than 100 campaign stops and events from the panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley, and has conducted at least 35 virtual campaign events in the last 30 days alone.

“I’m hearing that dog whistle again,” said Vince Leibowitz, West’s Communications Director.

“Cornyn’s campaign response of saying Senator West’s campaign is ‘relaxed’ is basically a double-down. Clearly, Senator Cornyn is not capable of viewing an African American candidate’s campaign as serious. He cannot acknowledge the many successes Senator West has had fighting uphill battles, for several years, in a Republican chamber. That says a great deal about West; as evidenced by the many accolades from people and organizations across the state.” Leibowitz said.

West further took issue with Cornyn’s spokesperson’s characterization of him as ‘radical.’

“As for calling me ‘radical,’ if taking care of teachers, trying to get more Texans access to healthcare, protecting women’s rights, voting rights, foster kids, and the rights of LGBTQ persons are ‘radical’ things, then go ahead and call me radical. I’ll take it as a compliment,” West said.

West received support across all ethnicities because of his track record in fighting for just causes for all ethnic groups to experience a true democracy.  Some of his endorsements include former U.S. Senate Candidates (Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, Amanda Edwards, Chris Bell, Michael Cooper, Sema Hernandez), the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Communications Workers of America and Texas Tejano Democrats.

“We are positioned to win this race and each voter’s voice matters the most,” West said.