Vote, Vote, Vote!

Eddie Bernice Johnson

In a matter days those who have not cast their ballots during the early voting period must go to the polls and select candidates that will decide the direction of our country for years to come. I urge all of those who plan to vote on November 6th to support those candidates that are running under the banner of the Democratic Party.

On the national level, Democrats will work to ensure that all Americans receive affordable healthcare, that Medicare and Medicaid are protected, that our nation adopts a prudent immigration policy, that social security is protected and that our nation adopts sensible and responsible firearms legislation.

The election of Democratic majorities in Congress will help us to achieve a sense of normalcy in our nation, and signal to our allies and supporters that the vast majority of people in our country do not support the agenda that has been presented during the last two years by an administration that, at times, acts as if it is void of reality.

I urge you to vote for Senator Beto O’Rourke, who understands the issues that all people are confronted with. As a Senator, he will protect and strengthen the Affordable Care Act.

He will not be a partisan and he not alienate those who serve with him. His primary sense of duty will be to the people of Texas who elected him, not to special interest groups with hordes of cash.

In the race for Dallas County District Attorney I urge you to cast your ballot for former Judge John Creuzot. He has the experience, the passion and the integrity that is necessary for that very significant job. He will serve us well!


Those Democrats whose names are on the ballot for state-wide offices have served you well as elected officials. It is equally important that you vote for them so that they can fight attempts at voter suppression and efforts to deny quality healthcare for Texans.

In North Texas, the 2018 primary election witnessed an increase in the number of people that exercised their duty to vote. During the early voting period, we witnessed long lines at the polls and impressive turnouts. Those who decided to wait until Election Day should not sit at home and think that there is no need for their participation.

I urge you to vote, find out if your neighbors have voted and if they have not, take them to the polls with you.  Knock on doors in your neighborhood and insist that those who have not voted go with you to the polls.

Make sure that you carry the proper identification with you to the polls, and if you are challenged cast a provisional vote and then call 512 463-5650 or the NAACP Legal Defense Fund at 1 212-965-2200 to let them know that you encountered difficulties at the polls. They will explain to you what you need to do to ensure that you vote is counted.

It is important to remember that voting is a privilege. The history of our country is laced with the heroic sacrifices of those who lost their lives in the noble struggle to win voting rights for you and for me. Honor their memories by voting!