Top Ten Most Intriguing Lies of 2018


My Day

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

In the history books for 2018, historians will chronicle it as ‘the year that was’ eventful, full of excitement, dismay, insults,  a blue wave finale laced with highly consequential lies from the top down.

A sad period in American History.

Have you ever wondered this?  What part of the brain regulates these intriguing lies? How many organs are in the highly interconnected human brain manufacturing  such credulousness?  What part of the brain orders  lies and the profound continuance of same?       

In the limbic system, the hippocampus regulates fear and pleasure.  Two  opposites.

Three parts of the brain generally monitors deception.  The anterior cingulated cortex is thought to be in charge of monitoring errors.  The prefrontal cortex is thought to control behavior.  Research notes and scientist verify that a liar’s brain is wired differently.  The imbedded practice of this behavior  makes it a normal part of everyday life.  A professional liar has a rich performance packed with  a nuance of meaning.

We have had some absorb lies penetrating our space this year.    Going back a ways, there was the maneuvered notion that an elected United States President was not born an American citizen.  Following that ‘hit parade’  there was   . . . .  and there was . . .  I don’t have time or space to recap it.  One of our most decorated former mayors of the country, has assassinated  his own character stating that ‘truth is not truth’ to a nation that shouts ‘we hold these truths. . .’ 

My top intriguing lies of 2018 are too numerous to list.  The proof is in the number of indictments situated in one administration over a period of less than two years.  Where do we end up you ask? 

Our quest as Americans is to not. . . be afraid to stand up and not. . . be afraid to define and defend our democracy in this blessed country where  we all live. 

America has always been great because we built it that way.


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