Dr. Joyce Willard Teal

Are You Raising One of the Next Generation of Hoodlums

February: the love month, the month that includes Valentine Day. And when we think of Valentine Day, our minds usually turn toward romantic love. Most adults can remember handing out Valentine Cards to classmates and reserving a special one for their romantic interest, even as preadolescents when we were reluctant to reveal who the special person was. And, of course, as adolescents and later as adults, we chose cards with meaningful messages to bestow upon our romantic interests.

Admittedly, romantic love impels us to action, but it is not romantic love that will compel you to raise your child so that he or she passes from adolescence and emerges into adulthood as an individual of character.

In a previous news column, parents were advised to get involved in their children’s school life and to encourage the children to always:




Good character development is facilitated when these things are an on-going part of a young person’s training.

Allow your love for your child to induce you to make it a habit to talk with him or her on a regular basis regarding whether or not he or she is doing his or her best in school. And don’t limit your expectation to school only. Make it clear to your child that you expect maximum effort from him or her for all tasks for which he or she is responsible.

Allow this “Love Month” to strengthen your resolve to assure that your child knows how much he or she is loved. This means that parents should have their children involved in wholesome activities when they are not in school. It means that prior arrangements must be made so that when school closes unexpectedly for an ice storm, teacher work day, water main break, etc., parents are not scrambling to find someone to watch their children, but already have in place safe, wholesome places where they will be cared for. When this is not done, you’re asking for trouble. As an adult, you already know that unexpected events take place over which you have no control. So control what you can! It is within your power to control the prearrangement of wholesome places where your children will be cared for when unexpected circumstances occur. Doing so demonstrates that you’re not willing to leave your child in places that you have had no opportunity to check out to determine whether the places are places of safety that are conducive to continued good character development.

Another important element of love: raising your child in such a way that you can enjoy his or her company. Then you won’t consider it a disaster that you must spend the day with him or her because there is an unexpected school closing. You won’t dread the coming of summer because your child will be at home more often.

During February when Black History Month is celebrated and Valentine Day fosters an atmosphere of love and good will, give your child a reason to be proud of who he or she is and of what he or she is becoming. Let your love for your child be evident in the nurture and the guidance you provide. Allow your love to induce you to discipline your child. It is only by doing so that he or she eventually develops self-discipline. Love your child so much that you embrace the challenge of doing what is necessary to raise him or her well. Only good will result!
