The Texas Public Policy Foundation Releases GOP Healthcare Bill by the Numbers


TPPF-logo-detail-01The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) has released a list of important numbers relevant to House Republicans’ Obamacare “repeal‐and‐replace” legislation. TPPF’s Center for Tenth Amendment Action Director Chip Roy issued the following statement on the numbers:

“As Washington is all abuzz about the Congressional Budget Office estimates – the Texas Public Policy Foundation thought it important to provide a few numbers that might shed some light on the discussion.

“Unfortunately, those numbers paint a bleak picture. Premiums stay high. Regulations stay in place. Medicaid expands further and stays expanded. Insurers get subsidized. Deficits get bigger until the “future,” and nothing is done to truly improve healthcare access for Americans.

“Rather than repealing Obamacare fully and respecting the people and the states with legislation that would focus on increasing competition, driving down costs and empowering states – this bill focuses on coverage, and then miserably provides that coverage. The solution is markets and states, not Washington.”