
Obama-2016 State of the UnionThe Post Tribune Newspaper joins millions of Americans in thanking President for the sincerity, vision, compassion and depth that he demonstrated during his final State of the Union Address on Tuesday evening. No matter what political party they call their, citizens of goodwill had to agree that the president’s speech was one of the best ever delivered before a joint session of Congress.

President Obama effectively articulated the accomplishments of his administration, including the restoration of our national economy, the expansion of pre-k education, a deep reduction in the nation’s unemployment rate, the survival of the automobile industry, healthcare insurance for people who were previously uncovered among other items.

He warned those in terrorist groups that they would not be able to defeat America and that they would be tracked down and “destroyed” for the pain that they have caused throughout the world.  “America’s reach is limitless,” he said, “and its memory is long.”

Without referring to anyone by name, the president said that it was improper for anyone seeking elected office to discriminate against people on the basis of color or religion. “We are better people than that,” he said to applause from both Democrats and Republicans.

President Obama said that American politicians from various parties must begin to work together for the good of the American people. He said that he hoped that he would be able to work closer with those who opposed him in the past during the remaining 12 months of his administration.

He talked about the importance of working with other nations, saying that America could no longer afford to be the world’s policeman, but that the country should take swift and decisive action whenever and wherever American interests were being threatened.

Immediately after his address, political commentators around the globe began to make assessments. They agreed that it was one of the better State of the Union addresses delivered by an American president.  We here at the Post Tribune agree with the assessments that were made immediately after the conclusion of the president’s speech by various news outlets

President Obama will not deliver another such address. During the seven years he has promised the nation that he would work for its good, and for progress. He has done that, and he has nearly completed his mission. We, like many Americans, are very proud of him and are grateful that he has served our nation as its commander-in chief.