Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

The early church displayed a wonderful oneness and unity in the Spirit.  It was apparent that the early Christians had an unusual love for the Lord who had saved them and they had a love for one another.  Fellowship in the Lord was indeed precious and genuine.  These believers were drawn to each other by the love of Christ and by the spiritual fruit manifested in their lives (Galatians 5:22-23).

Satan, the arch enemy of God, soon became victorious in disrupting the marvelous fellowship the believers shared together.  Satan had been unsuccessful in his efforts to prevent the message of the resurrection from spreading; now, instead of attacking the church from without, he attacks the church from within!  Satan is awfully subtle, for he causes two of God’s people to sin, breaking their fellowship with God and with other believers.

Always, sin will destroy fellowship with God.  Whenever there is sin, there is a loss of fellowship.  Broken fellowship is restored only when the sin is confessed to God.  When we admit to God that we have sinned and we view that sin as God views it, we are forgiven and restored to fellowship with Him (I John 1:9).  Relationship with God is one thing.  However, fellowship with God is something else.  Every believer is related to God through the new birth experience (St. John 3:16; 5:24).  The child of God fellowships with God as he walks in the light as God is in the light (I John 1:6-7).

In our text, the generosity of Barnabas, who had sold his land and brought the proceeds from the sale to the apostles (Acts 4:36-37), had received much acclaim.  Ananias and Sapphira, who were believers, wanted to also receive acclaim.  So, they sold their property and pretended that they were giving all of their proceeds from the sale.  Nobody instructed them to give all of their proceeds from the sale; however, they pretended that they had given all!  They were indeed dishonest and their sin is called hypocrisy!

God used Peter mightily to disclose the sin of Ananias.  Peter uttered that Ananias was guilty of lying to the Holy Spirit, for verse 3 says, “But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?”  It is interesting in verse 4 that Ananias was not obliged to sell his land, nor was he obliged to give all the money from it.  His sin was one of deceit, pretending to have given all of the proceeds from the sale.

God will judge sin in the life of the believer – whether it is a sin committed privately or publicly.  The sin of Ananias was conceived privately; however, God demonstrated His hatred of it openly.  After Ananias heard Peter’s charge against him in verses 3-4, the severe penalty of death followed (vv. 5-6).  What happened to Ananias was the result of God’s judgment of him.  He died on the spot!  Peter did not render the death blow, God did!

About three hours after her husband had come to the Apostles and had experienced sudden death, Sapphira also came to them.  She came with the same intention of deceit.  When she came, she was unaware of what had happened to her husband.  After Peter’s interrogation of Sapphira (vv. 8-9), she was found guilty of being in collusion with her husband.  For her sin, she too, experienced immediate death and was buried (v. 10).

As a result of God’s punitive actions, great fear came upon the church (v. 11).  To be a devoted follower of Christ, one cannot pretend to be devoted, when one is not!

May God Bless!