The Second Missionary Journey of Paul in Corinth, Ephesus The Third Missionary Journey Begins Acts 18:1-28

Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church
As we continue Paul’s Second Missionary Enterprise, we will discover that Paul is in Athens waiting for Timothy and Silas to join him and bring reports from the churches in Berea and Thessalonica. After Paul’s missionary efforts in Athens, he goes on his journey to Corinth. In verse 1, Paul makes his journey to Corinth, a most wicked city, a city noted for its wickedness and debauchery. Yes, Corinth was a most wicked city of that day! Corinth was a great commercial city, as well as, a great sin center.
While in Corinth, Paul came in contact with Aquila and his wife Priscilla, who were tent makers by occupation (vv. 2-3). This couple was commanded by Claudius to leave Rome, and upon leaving, came in contact with Apostle Paul. From this encounter, Paul no doubt led Aquila and Priscilla to the Lord!
According to verses 4-5, Timothy and Titus finally arrived in Corinth and brought Paul a report from the churches in Macedonia. From Macedonia, Paul will write his first letter to Thessalonica during this significant period; that is, after he receives the report from Timothy. Wherever Paul went, he testified to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah. As the Jews opposed Apostle Paul, he turned his ministry to the Gentiles, for in Corinth, Paul had a tremendous ministry of converts (vv. 6-8).
Despite being opposed, Paul was given assurance by the Lord, for Paul remains in the city for eighteen months (vv. 9-11). Paul continues to be opposed by the Jews; and Gallio, a Roman magistrate, settles the Jewish charge against Paul (vv. 12-17). Leaving Corinth, Paul sails to Antioch Syria (v. 18). After ministering for a while in Ephesus, Paul is determined to be in Jerusalem for the feast (vv. 19-21). Paul will conclude his Second Missionary Journey as he comes to Antioch Syria (v. 22).
Beginning in verse 23, Paul begins his Third Missionary Journey through Galatian country. Paul will go to Ephesus on this Third Missionary Journey and come in contact with Apollos, an eloquent Jewish man from Alexandria (v. 24). Apollos was very learned in the Old Testament scriptures but “knew only about the baptism of John” (v. 25).
Listening to Apollos in the synagogue, Aquila and Priscilla aided Apollos in his limited understanding of the scriptures! (v. 26). After receiving a great deal of help from Aquila and Priscilla, Apollos publicly proclaimed “that Jesus was Christ” (vv. 27-28).
May God Bless!