The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) Minnie H. Goodlow‐Page Section Installation of Newly Elected Officers’ Ceremony

On, Saturday, September 10, 2016, the Minnie H. Goodlow-Page Section of the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW), held the installation of Officers’ Ceremony for the newly elected officers which will serve the 2016-2018 term. The occasion was held at the Charlton Methodist Hospital located at 3500 Wheatland Avenue, Dallas, Texas.
The Minnie H. Goodlow-Page Section of the NCNW was named and charted in 2001 in honor of the late Mrs. Minnie H. Goodlow-Page who was an outstanding Christian woman and dedicated member. She lived a very meaningful life full of service and prayer.
The installation of Officers’ Ceremony was a monumental occasion signifying the continued growth and dedication of the organization. Installing new officers is very important and has a very special significance to both the newly elected officers and to members. The members were delighted to have in their midst, the National Council of Negro Women, Inc. Northeast Texas Coordinator, Dr. Mollie A. Johnson-Williams.
Dr. Mollie A. Johnson- Williams, a Life and Legacy Life member of the organization is the Organizer and First President for the Minnie H. Goodlow-Page Section. Dr. Williams administered the Oath of Office for the newly elected officers. In addition Dr. Williams shared the importance of the role officers have within the organization.
Dr. Mary E. Beck, who is a Charter member of the Section and Life and Legacy Life member of the Organization, presented the Charge to the newly elected officers, Dr. Beck shared the importance of meeting the challenge of holding the office with integrity, honesty, and service
Mrs. Velma Finley served outstandingly as the Section President for the 2014-2016 term. Under President Finley’s leadership the Section continued to receive the Blue Ribbon Award for Leadership, Outstanding Programs and Service. President Finley passed the NCNW Minnie H. Goodlow-Page Section Charter and Gave to the newly elected President, Mrs. Ruby Randall Henson who will serve the 2016-2018 term.
The newly elected President, Mr. Ruby Randall Henson, is a Charter member, past president, and served on the Organizing Committee for Minnie H. Goodlow-Page Section. She has worked and served on every major Program and Committee since the Section was charted. In addition graciously accepted the Charge to lead the Section to the next level.
The Sections’ newly elected officers for the 2016-2018 term are:
President- Mrs. Ruby Randall Henson
Frist Vice President- Mrs. Latasha Cummings
Second Vice President- Attorney Cindy Hull
Recording Secretary- Mrs. Crystal Spain
Corresponding Secretary- Dr. Cynthia M. Marshall-Biggins
Financial Secretary- Mrs. Connie Bradley
Treasurer- Ms. Franlesary Campbell-Allen
Chaplain- Rev. Carolyn McCullough
Parliamentarian- Mrs. Henrietta Brown
Historian/Protocol Mrs. Marilyn W. Jones
The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) WAS FOUNDED IN 1935 by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune. The Mission for the organization is to lead, develop and advocate for women of African descent as they support their families and communities.
The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) Minnie H. Goodlow-Page section meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Charlton Methodist Hospital located at 3500 Wheatland Avenue, Dallas Texas 75237. For additional information please visit the website at