The King of Grass

of his loyal customers who has been
purchasing grass from the pastor for
more than a decade.
While growing up in Natchez, Mississippi Pastor Everett Jones was influenced by his pastor, Elder Monroe Henderson, who encouraged his young member to do all that he could to help others as he lived his life. Today, Pastor Jones, who leads the Abundant Life Church of God in Christ in Dallas, is not only a renowned preacher, but he is the owner of one of the premier grass companies in North Texas.
With two locations, one located at 1924 Fort Worth Avenue in Dallas and the other at 617 W. Main Street in Grand Prairie, Pastor Jones greets his customers each morning with a broad smile and a sense of genuine service that has kept some of them returning to his places of business regularly during the last 30 years.
“I give people who do business with me the very best prices and exemplary service,” said Pastor Jones who started J&L Grass Company while organizing a church in Grand Prairie.
“I was called to the ministry and felt a tremendous desire to help the community. The grass company allowed me to pay the bills of the church and to provide for my family. It was a walk of faith, and I knew that God would carry me during the bad times, and the good,” he said.
Pastor Jones came to Texas shortly after completing high school. He stayed with relatives in Oak Cliff and attended True Way Church of God in Christ led by Pastor Levi Gant.
“He was a wonderful man, devoted to the total community and he also encouraged me in the ministry,” Pastor Jones said. “He taught me to think of the future, and to always place the needs of others before my own,” said Pastor Jones who raised four children, Felicia, Melanie, Jason and Justin, with his wife, First Lady Bessie Jones.
“I have been blessed to have a great congregation, great customers and a great family,” said Pastor Jones who has five grandchildren and three great-grand children. “Family has always been important to me. I was raised by my mother and my grandfather.”
Pastor Jones said that his ministry at Abundant Life, located at 7310 S. Hampton Road in Oak Cliff, is based on inspiring his members to trust God and to pursue spirit-filled lives. “None of us know how long we have to be here, so with the time that God has given us we must do all that we can to improve our communities, and our world. We must seek goodness and grace,” he said.
I consider my congregation and my customers members of my family, Pastor Jones said. “I am fully committed to doing all that I can to serve them. No matter their color, the language they speak or where they are from, all of them have a place in my heart. They are all God’s children,” he said.