The Event of “The Day of The Lord” and the Believers’ Responsibility in View of that Event I Thessalonians 5:1-28 Part II


The event of “The Day of the Lord” is an unusual event that will take place in the future; moreover, in view of this unprecedented event, Paul admonished the Thessalonian believers to live godly lives (I Thessalonians 5:23) in view of this event.  Certainly, a right perspective and understanding of prophecy should issue in godly living (I Peter 3:8-12).  Our text, I Thessalonians 5:1-28 can be outlined as follows:  I.  The Revelation of The Day of the Lord – I Thessalonians 5:1-11; II. Some Responsibilities of Believers in View of that Event – I Thessalonians 5:12-28.

  1. Some Responsibilities of Believers in View of that Event

I Thessalonians 5:12-28


  1. Respect authority. (Verse 12) – We show our respect for God’s leaders as we accept them, appreciate them, love them, and obey them. ~ Ephesians 4:7-16 and Hebrews 13:17


  1. Esteem them highly. (Verse 13) – We esteem those in authority by honoring their commitments to God’s Word. ~ Romans 13:16-17


  1. Be at peace with one another. (Verse 13) – We are at peace with one another when we submit ourselves to the will of God. ~ James 3:13 – 4:10


  1. Warn the unruly. (Verse 14) – We warn the unruly by sharing God’s Word with them. ~ II Corinthians 5:10-11


  1. Comfort the feebleminded. (Verse 14) – We encourage the fainthearted demonstrating our care for the weaker brother or sister. ~ Romans 15:1-3


  1. Support the weak. (Verse 14) – We support those that are weak in the faith by prayerfully receiving them. ~ Romans 14:1-3


  1. Be patient with all men. (Verse 14) – We show patience with others when we don’t lose our temper. ~ James 1:19-20


  1. Don’t fight one another. (Verse 15) – We should go about doing good instead of fighting one another. ~ Galatians 6:10
  2. Follow that which is good. (Verse 15) – We overcome evil with good. ~ Romans 12:17-21


  1. Rejoice evermore. (Verse 16) – We can have joy as we encounter problems. ~ Nehemiah 8:10 and Galatians 5:22


  1. Pray without ceasing (Verse 17) – Prayer is heartfelt dependence upon God. We show our dependence upon God when we’re praying constantly. ~ Luke 18:1


  1. Be thankful in every thing (Verse 18) – We are thankful when we appreciate the great things God has done for us. ~ Philippians 4:4-7


  1. Quench not the Spirit (Verse 19) – When we quench the Holy Spirit, we are not listening to Him. Sin in our lives quenches the Holy Spirit~ Ephesians 4:30


  1. Despise not prophesying (Verse 20) – We are despising prophesy when we have a negative attitude toward studying God’s word. ~ II Timothy 3:16-17; II Timothy 2:15


  1. Prove all things (Verse 21) – Don’t be misled. We are not misled when we investigate for ourselves. ~ Ephesians 4:14


  1. Hold fast to that which is good (Verse 21) – We hold fast to that which is good by focusing on the things of God. ~ Philippians 4:8-9


  1. Abstain from all appearances of evil (Verse 22) – When we live for God, we must forsake evil. ~ James 4:7


  1. Live godly in anticipation of and in preparation of God’s return. God is faithful who has called us (Verses 23-24)


  1. Pray for one another (Verse 25) – We show love for one another when we pray for one another. ~ I Thessalonians 1:1-3; Philippians 1:3-6


  1. Meet everyone with a warm greeting (Verse 26) – A warm greeting is a sign of friendly fellowship and agreement (unity). ~ Psalm 133


  1. Read this entire book (Verse 27)– Our faith grows as we read God’s word. ~ Romans 10:17


  1. The Presence of God’s grace is ever with us (Verse 28).




May God Bless!