The 3 C’s of COVID-19 to help stop the spread of germs


There are three simple things that you can do every day to help stop the spread of germs.

Clean your hands

Washing your hands is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy. Clean hands help stop germs from spreading to others. It is important for people of all ages to learn the proper way to wash their hands.

How to wash your hands

  1. Wet your hands with cool or warm water.
  2. Add soap to your hands.
  3. Rub your hands together and count to 20. Don’t forget your thumbs!
  4. Rinse the soap from your hands.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean cloth, paper towel or air dry.

If you have questions about washing your hands, read more at

Cover your coughs and sneezes

When you feel yourself getting ready to cough or sneeze, your first instinct may be to cover it with your hand or not cover it at all. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. After using a tissue, throw it in the trash and wash your hands. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains more than 60% alcohol.


Clean surfaces


Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with germs like flu. Focus on cleaning surfaces that commonly come in contact with your skin like your kitchen counter, desks, chairs, cell phones, remote controls and light switches.


  • Cleaners or detergents are products that remove dirt and germs (like bacteria, viruses, and fungi). Cleaning with a detergent is necessary to remove dirt that can prevent disinfectants from working.
  • Disinfectantsare chemical products that are used to kill germs. The disinfectant’s label should have a list of germs that the product can kill. These products are also sold at grocery and other retail stores.


If you need COVID-19 information or have questions you need answered, you can now call 211. This service connects you with community services, and this now includes COVID-19 information. Call 211 or visit