Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson
Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson

I want to take this opportunity to thank each of you who voted in the recent primary election. Your commitment to the voting process is crucial to the concept of American Democracy, in which those who cast a ballot select candidates they believe will best represent their interests in the halls of government.

I am personally honored to have been chosen by the citizens of the 30th Congressional District to become your candidate in the general election in November. With God’s graces, and your continued support, I will be victorious, and will return to Washington as your voice in the 114th session of Congress.

I believe that as an elected official, I am engaged in a “sacred partnership” with those who cast their ballots for me. That partnership also includes those who may have voted for other candidates. As a Democrat, I have a fundamental belief, and enduring commitment to the values of equality and diversity. They have guided me since I first entered public service.

History teaches that anyone who does not practice those principles will not succeed. As Democrats we must be a party of inclusion, and the moment that we abandon that thinking, our party is doomed to failure.

It is my hope that in November, voters in Texas and those across the country will elect the right candidates so that the Democrat Party will be able to regain a majority in the House of Representatives, and maintain its majority in the Senate.

A democratically controlled House will work with a democratically led Senate to pass legislation that addresses the issues of immigration reform, a livable wage for all working people, full-employment, climate control and many others.

A Congress controlled by Democrats will also be able to rebuff any further attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has provided health care insurance to millions of uninsured Americans, and has removed control of our health care system from the hands of insurance companies that have only been interested in greater financial profit, not the wellness of hardworking Americans.

Two of the issues that we must face are voter suppression and redistricting. We must resist any efforts to retard the progress that we have made in voting rights.

This year, our community and our country will celebrate the monumental strides that were made during the administration of President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a Texan who believed in equality and inclusion.

We must not allow those who wish to roll back or distort what we have accomplished to be victorious. We must continue to work together, and be ever vigilant in our efforts. This is among the things you have elected me to do, and I promise that I shall not disappoint you.