
Be Inspired…Take Action…Embrace the Future!
The Southwest Jewish Congress, already known for recognizing outstanding community volunteers from various disciplines and backgrounds, is doubling down this October to celebrate both Inspiring Women and Men of Action on one amazing night. “It is our privilege to honor these exceptional men and women who continue to build bridges along with SWJC within our community” as stated by Event Chair Cindy Ray.
On Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 6:00 pm, at Eddie Deen’s Ranch, SWJC will honor individuals involved in the legal community, foundation building, education, media, the arts, philanthropy and more. All these honorees have gone beyond professional excellence to give back to the community.
The Texas‐Sized dinner and ceremonies will feature co‐emcees:
Sylvia Komatsu, KERA/KXT
John McCaa, WFAA News Anchor
A Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to Gil Elan, President and CEO of SWJC, who uses his expertise as a Middle East Analyst to educate the community on Israel and the Middle East and U.S./Israel relations.
Recipients of the Audrey Kaplan Inspiring Women of the Southwest Award include:
•Barbara Friedman, Retired educator who continues offering her expertise by volunteering at the Dallas Museum of Art and Vogel Alcove
•Vanita Halliburton, Provides education on the prevention of suicide, cofounded a foundation to strengthen the network of mental health resources for teens and young adults
•Ann Kahn, Business woman, philanthropist, past president of the Dallas Hebrew Free Loan , and community volunteer
•Tammy Nguyen Lee, Against The Grain Productions, Inc. founder, provides scholarships for future Asian American Artists, also provides food,
clothing, medical supplies, cultural and recreational needs, and bicycles to the orphanages and children they support
•Judy Rorrie, Executive Director of North Dallas Shared Ministries providing community services to the community as a volunteer Recipients of the Stan Golden Men of Action
Award include:
•Dr. Terry Flowers, Executive Director and Headmaster of St. Philips School and Community Center, providing a wealth of social services and community development activities, which are crucial to the revitalization of the neighborhood and support to its residents
•Larry Goldstein, Owner of Catering by Larry, generously giving back to the community using his area of expertise in the food service industry, delivered for Meals On Wheels and former President of the Dallas Restaurant Association
•Madan Goyal, Businessman volunteering with DISD, ACLU, Dallas Peace Center and Thanks‐Giving Square on issues of interfaith and multi‐faith relations
•Dr. Rodney T. Stapp, (of blessed memory) a member of the Comanche Nation and a doctor of podiatry volunteered his medical services at Dallas’ Urban Inter‐Tribal Center, ultimately becoming the CEO. His passion was helping the Native American community with their struggle against diabetes to sustain their health and mobility.
•H. Ron White, Distinguished Dallas attorney who leads the largest minority‐owned law firm in Texas, an advocate for civil rights, and Co‐Founder of the General Counsel Forum – Dallas Fort Worth Chapter
Also, two young men and two young women (ages 14 to 21) nominated by members of the community will be honored as Future Inspiring Women and Future Men of Action.
The four recipients include:
•Ariana Luterman, Student at Greenhill and a triathlon athlete who raises money for the homeless
•Noely Rangel, Student at the Judge Barefoot Sanders Law Magnet at Townview who helps needy families in her community
•Biko McMillan, Pre‐Med student and SMU student leader
•Graham Rosen, Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America, who will attend George Washington University on a Naval ROTC Scholarship in the fall
Event Committee members include, Nelda Golden, Rose Marie Stromberg, Keo Strull and members of the SWJC Board. Sponsorships, Tribute Ads and affordable tickets at just $75 per person or $125 per couple ensure that community members who wish to support these heroes can attend. Student tickets are $25 each.
For more information, Sponsorship opportunities and ticket sales call Susan Myers at 214‐361‐0018.