“Shingle Mountain” is an Environmental Injustice in South Dallas, according to a top official of Tom Steyer Campaign

The Tom Steyer for President campaign opened its Dallas headquarters in South Dallas for local staff to be able to listen to the concerns of area residents. One issue is clear, “Shingle Mountain,” the 60-foot-high mound of discarded roof shingles hovering over the community. The debris and the dust from disintegrating shingles pollute the air and pose serious health risks to area residents.
Tom Steyer’s number-one priority among the critical issues that he is concerned with is the current climate crisis and, along with it, a clean environment for all citizens. Fresh air and water are one of the five fundamental rights that he has named that he would work to protect for all citizens.
“Shingle Mountain is an unconscionable example of putting profits over people. This environmental injustice must be rectified immediately, and Shingle Mountain must come down. The residents of South Dallas have a right to clean air. It is long past time that we hold corporations accountable for threatening the health and safety of residents, especially those in low-income communities and communities of color,” said Steyer campaign National Climate Director Aaron Burgess.
“Pursuing environmental justice means empowering these communities to shape solutions and providing access to the tools and resources needed to prevent and clean up places like Shingle Mountain. On his first day of office, Tom will use executive powers to tackle our climate crisis and pursue environmental justice at every level. Because the only way to save our planet for future generations is if it is our number one priority.”
In addition to having a clean environment, Steyer said the right to health, the right to an equal vote, the right to learn, and the right to a living wage are all essential for a fair and just society.
Approved by Tom Steyer Campaign