Series II: Obama and Carson

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

This series of articles is about ‘parents-in-America’.  This is a series about good “parenting”.  It is an urgent motivational propeller for anyone with a ‘three-year-old’ child.   As mentioned in last week’s column, President Obama and Dr. Carson have a lot in common. . . as boys they had mandatory reading and manners.  Their home life had real homework assignments from their parents, more specifically, their mothers.  These mothers established disciplines very early in life. They took the time, ignored the circumstances, because of its potential everlasting results.

Do you believe that prisons use third grade reading scores to predict the number of prison beds to build?  Do you believe there is a connection between incarceration numbers and literacy skills? Is illiteracy a poor man’s disease?  What is the common thread that 80% of inmates have?  I will start with the last one first.  The color of the thread is these Americans cannot read.  Believe it or not, when you mention why so many prisons are being erected, there are at least two dozen(twenty-four) different answers.  The most ridiculous answer is ‘this is crap’. . . to . . .’untrue’. . .  and my favorite, ‘a loaded statement-to-ruffle feathers’.  (Of Note: I am sure this reminds you of the same controversy about global warming.)

Innocently many, many years ago, I mentioned my maiden name on television. We started receiving calls, asking if I was related to a “Captain Sadler”, who was over a large prison guard unit at the time in Texas.  Our marvelous family circle make up is largely educators, law enforcement officers and musicians.   Of course,  we have our pro-rata share of law breakers, career criminals and sympathizers.  Several of our family gatherings have required empires and referrers.  But, my cousin (Captain Paul Gene Sadler), who was always a serious leader, told us stories centered around the education/understanding of prison life.  Even then, the one thing that came out of these spirited discussions, was we knew who these potential beds in the prison system would be occupied by.  And today, we know who these potential beds in the prison system will be occupied by.  Bottom line, we know who these kids are.  Are we fearful of ruffling feathers?  Your creator did not give us the spirit of fear.

Statistics consistently tell us that 85% of all juveniles who come into contact with the system, are functionally illiterate.  This is evident by the number of criminals who perform “dumb crimes”.  For example, stealing an ATM machine.  Can I remove it from the premises?  Can I haul it off? What is it made of?   Can I open it?  How do I dispose of it?  Is it serially controlled with a tracking clip embedded?  All relative questions that a respect for reading would answer.

Please parents, teach your three-year-at-home at home.  The secret is to start early. Not at thirteen.

It’s as simple as that.

Series Final:  Raising Potential