Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Lewis Says Texas Voter I. D. Law Is Racist and Sexist!

Dr. Lewis Urges Voters to “Check Your Driver License & Voter Registration Card” Dallas, October 28, 2013: The Reverend Doctor Frederick D. Lewis, Senior Associate Pastor of Smith Chapel A. M. E. Church Over the 34 years of his ministry Dr. Lewis has been an activist, public official and ramrod for social justice.
He says that the Texas Voter ID Law is nothing more than a 21st Century version of discrimination against Blacks, Hispanics and Women to deny them the right to vote! Ohooo!, do not let the innocent sounding reasons for this law fool you. The purpose is to discourage voters of minority groups from going to the polls. But if you do go to the polls to vote you better have every I dotted and every t crossed and make sure your Voter Registration Card matches your State Identification to the letter! You can still vote but the question is will your ballot be counted? There should be no question at all and all votes should be counted. Speaking of a State ID, the reason for this is to keep down the Hispanic vote! How? By a fear tactic, maybe just maybe Hispanics won’t come to the polls to vote in fear of being accused of being illegal aliens. WE MUST FIGHT THIS!
Dr. Lewis has been active in civic and social affairs since he was a teenager in 1960 and was a runner for his Precinct Captain during the election of President John F. Kennedy. He marched with Dr. King, has held elective public office, served on 20 Boards & Commissions, been a Chicago Election Judge and Precinct Captain, held 2 Governor’s Appointments, ran Multi-County & State Wide Election Campaigns. He is the Obama Precinct Chair and was a Special Honored Guest of the Texas Democratic Party to the Democratic National Convention 2012 .