Representative Jim Jordan Has Worn Out His Welcome. The House Republicans Do Not Want Him


By James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D.

My parents taught me many life lessons. They have stayed with me throughout my life, and they have served me well.

As a boy, I would visit a lot of my friends’ homes to play and to have fun. My parents would always tell me not to wear out my welcome by staying too long. If I violated this principle, it showed that I had no HT (home training).

Do you know anyone who has overstayed their welcome? Sure, you do. Ohio Representative Jim Jordan has worn out his welcome. First off, Mr. Jordan’s political views are extreme and not aligned with best practices such as teamwork and compromise.

For example, he still believes that former president Donald Trump won the last election. He is an elected official who just can’t get over the proven fact that his candidate lost.

As we know, the House of Representatives has been without a speaker for some weeks now. When will this madness end? Mr. Jordan decided last week to throw his hat into the ring and try to become the speaker. Since his announcement and subsequent failure, I have been trying to figure out what made him think he could become speaker of the House?

On his first attempt, 20 Republicans said no. On his second try, 22 Republicans said no and on his third attempt, 25 Republicans said no. Mr. Jordan, I kindly submit that you have worn out your welcome.

It is clear his colleagues do not want him. Remember, one of the rules of baseball is three strikes and you are out. CNN commentator, Dana Bash said, “This is a fight within the Republican Party.” It is on display for America to see. Many have labeled it as the Trump loyalists versus the traditionists.

It is sad but true that a man who had no business being president has affected a significant number of Americans. He has also galvanized a group of Republican lawmakers to become selfish and sinister like he is.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) who is one of the Trump supporters said, “So we’ve made them an offer. The eight have said that we are willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, removal from the Republican Conference.” He made these comments after Mr. Jordan lost for the third time.

How can you put someone in the speaker’s chair who believes Mr. Trump is still the president? Who in their right minds will buy into that logic? We know the answer to that question. Nobody!

Now, the political soap opera continues within the Republican Party. Reports say Majority Whip Tom Emmer from Minnesota wants to be speaker. He said, “The GOP Conference remains at a crossroads and the deck is stacked against us.” Mr. Emmer previously served as chair of the NRCC.

Kevin McCarthy has already endorsed him. Is that good or bad? A basic question for Mr. Emmer is, do you know that Joe Biden is the president? If his answer is yes, then maybe that’s a start.

There are several candidates within the House Republicans that have an interest in running. One of them is Representative Byron Donalds from Florida. Mr. Donalds is African American. It would be a special moment if the House Republicans chose him as the speaker.

During the coming days, some decisions are going to have to be made by the Republicans. The House is now muted. Issues regarding Ukraine and Israel loom large and need attention.

The voters in this country are fed up with the Trump brand. It’s burnt and overcooked. If you are a House Republican, remember this part of an old expression. Fool me once shame on you. Shame on the House Republicans.