Davis sponsored and fought for successful passage of legislation – House Bill 2025 – that will ensure better training for those who provide care to people with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia in nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Texas.
Associate State Director Amanda Fredriksen and Executive Council Member John Vasquez present State Rep. Yvonne Davis with an AARP Texas Legislative Achievement Award.
HB 2025 was amended to also include the contents of another major nursing home reform package that will improve the quality of care in long-term care facilities by, among other things, revising the so-called “Right to Correct” law in order to make it more difficult for serious violations of nursing home care to be ignored.
The legislation, which received unanimous bipartisan support, was signed into law by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and took effect on Sept. 1.
“Representative Davis has earned our deep appreciation for her work to advance the wellbeing of older Texans and fighting to improve
the quality of care in long-term care facilities,” said Bob Jackson, director of the nonpartisan and nonprofit AARP Texas, which has more than 2.3 million members in the state and advocates for issues that matter to all people age 50 and older. “I am proud to extend my congratulations to Representative Davis for earning a 2017 AARP Texas Legislative Achievement Award.”
Representative Davis was presented the Legislative Achievement Award on Thursday at a meeting of the AARP Chapter 946 in Oak Cliff. Presenters of the award included AARP Texas Executive Council Member John Vasquez and Amanda Fredriksen, who leads AARP Texas’ advocacy work on caregiving issues.
Representative Davis represents Texas House District 111, which includes portions of Dallas County.