PCCenter Announces Women In Technology Scholarship

PCCenter proudly announces their Advancing Women in Technology initiative. PCCenter is working with the JFS Women’s Center and the CompTIA AWIT global initiative in order to assist women and girls who are interested in entering into the IT or related fields.
Following in its long tradition of community involvement, PCCenter is an active participant in CompTIA’s Advancing Women in IT (AWIT) initiative, a program committed to empowering women with knowledge and skills necessary to help their pursuit of successful IT careers. AWIT inspires women to make the IT field their career choice. The AWIT Community serves as a vital information resource, providing mentorship and networking opportunities; developing member-driven initiatives and programs; and taking an active role in legislation involving women and careers.
Technical innovation plays a critical role in virtually every sector of the economy. Yet, only 25 percent of professional IT- related occupations in the American 2009 workforce were held by women, down from 36 percent in 1991, according to research from the National Center for Women & IT. In 2008, only 18 percent of computer and information science degrees were awarded to women, down from 37 percent in 1985. PCCenter’s AWIT initiative inspires women to enter into informational technology careers where they can increase their earning potential through corporate affiliations and as independent contractors.
PCCenter is offering $1,000 scholarships to women interested in enrolling in one of our IT programs who demonstrate a desire to break the glass ceiling and make a difference in their community. Applicants must write an essay detailing their passion for entering into the IT industry and why they deserve the award. Deadline to apply is December 1st.
PCCenter focuses on technology programs including Cyber Security Analyst, Multimedia Animation, Health Information Technology, and Computer Technician. The school’s PROVE IT Program encourages students to prove their professional skills through professional certifications. PCCenter also is home to the PCC Techs, a group of students who gain industry experience and make money by repairing computers while they’re in school.
In addition to long term programs, PCCenter offers short seminars in A+, Security+, Network+, Electronic Health Records, and Introduction to Networking. As a Premier Member of the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), the school focuses on certifications for information technology professionals and for novices to the computer industry. CompTIA certifications help individuals build exceptional careers in information technology and enables organizations to hire skilled and confident employees.
PCCenter is located at 13617 Inwood Road, Suite 240, Farmers Branch, TX 75244, across from the Dallas Galleria.
For information on our PROVE IT programs and our AWIT initiative, contact Channing Curtis at 972-239-5700 or ccurtis@pccenterdallas.com
For information on CompTIA’s AWIT Program, click here. https://www.comptia.org/communities/advancing-women-in-it