Paul’s Solemn (Serious) Charge to Timothy in View of Paul’s Departure II Timothy 4:1-8

Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

Before Paul’s eventual demise (death), he was definitely concerned that Timothy understood the gravity of the message with which he had been entrusted.  Paul, with absolute clarity, gives Timothy the charge of declaring the word of God, a word that Paul thought was so important.  Because of the fact that the task of preaching was so prominent in the mind of Paul, he charged Timothy before God Himself, and in view of the Coming of the Lord (v.1).  What an awesome task each minister of the Gospel has.  We have been charged by God to be faithful in the proclamation of the Gospel.

So in verse 1, we see the charge was given to Timothy to be loyal in heralding the Word, knowing that the charge is before God, and it is in light of coming judgment.  In verse 2, we are made aware of the content of Paul’s charge to Timothy.  The main task of Timothy, as well as any minister of God, is to herald the Word.  Timothy’s chief obligation was to be devoted in preaching the Word always.  He was to be always on duty, even when preaching it is convenient or not.  In preaching the Word, he was to correct those in error; for those who were sinning, he was to rebuke; for those who were doing well, he was to encourage.  He was to preach or proclaim the truth with patience and with serious instruction.

In verses 3 and 4, Paul defines to Timothy why it was so grave that the Word was to be faithfully proclaimed.  The reason was that there would be those who would not want to hear or bear sound teaching.  In other words, they will not want to hear the truth but, rather, they will seek to hear those who are advancing falsehood.  WE can attest to the fact that the advance of falsehood in our contemporary culture has turned some from the truth, even believers!  In verse 5, Paul exhorts Timothy to remain steadfast and devoted in proclaiming the truth at all times.  He was enjoined by Paul to endure hardships and do the work of an evangelist, proclaim the Gospel faithfully; and by doing so, Timothy would be discharging his duty as a minister of God.  Because of Paul’s imminent death, Paul charged Timothy to be faithful, in view of the fact that Paul’s death was sure, and that he is being offered as or like a drink offering.  However, taking an analysis of his life’s ministry, Paul could confidently affirm that he had fought courageously, and that he had faithfully fulfilled the requirements God had exacted upon him as a Gospel preacher.  What a remarkable statement!  Because of his loyalty to the task God had entrusted to him, he had no fear in coming before the righteous Judge, and that a crown awaits him.  The crown Paul anticipates receiving was the crown of righteousness – the crown a believer will receive for faithfully looking for the Lord to come.  This crown was being kept for Paul.  In closing, in the end of our ministry, don’t we want to receive a crown?  In the end, I want to hear Him say – “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”