Rev Johnny C Smith
Rev. Johnny C. Smith,
Pastor – Mount Moriah
Missionary Baptist Church

From Acts 13:4 – 14:28, Dr. Luke is tracing the first Missionary Journey of Paul and Barnabas.  In this marvelous section of Acts chapter 13, we find Paul and Barnabas going first to the Jewish synagogue delivering the word, particularly reading from the law and the prophets (vv. 13-15).  After the scripture reading, Paul and Barnabas were invited to share a message of encouragement for the people.  In chapter 13:16-41, Paul took advantage of the opportunity to present Jesus as the One who fulfilled Old Testament expectations of the Messiah.  This sermon of Paul grounded in the Old Testament, may be divided as follows:  the expectation and preparation for the coming of the Messiah (vv. 16-25).  As Paul surveyed the history of Israel, the key events mentioned were:  Israel’s bondage in Egypt (v. 17), Israel’s Exodus (v. 17), Israel’s forty-year wilderness sojourn (v. 18), their conquest and occupation under Joshua’s leadership (v. 19), the period of the Judges and the period of the Kings under Saul and David (vv. 20-22).

After mentioning David, a transition was made to the Saviour (v. 23), and then a reference was made to the preparatory ministry of John the Baptist (vv. 24-25).  The second division of Paul’s marvelous message included the rejection, crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (vv. 26-37).  Briefly, Paul, like Peter and Stephen, attributed the blame for Christ’s crucifixion on the Jews.  However, Paul affirmed that Christ was raised from the dead.  Paul confirmed the fact of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead by quoting from Isaiah 55:3 and Psalm 16:10.

The third section of Paul’s marvelous message focused on verses 38-41:  the application and appeal.  Paul is exhorting the Jews to believe on the Lord Jesus.  In verses 42-44, Paul’s message had drawn much excitement, for the next Sabbath day almost the entire city was there to hear Paul preach.  As chapter 13 closes, Paul and Barnabas were opposed by the Jewish religious rulers; therefore, with the gospel being rejected by the Jews, Paul and Barnabas turned to the Gentiles with the good news.  Paul and Barnabas were expelled from the town and came to Iconium, and those converted were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (vv. 45-52).

May God Bless!