Paul Quinn College Names Plano, Texas as First Site of Urban Work College Network


DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jul 26, 2018–Paul Quinn College (Paul Quinn), the creator of the Urban Work College and one of the most innovative colleges in America, will open the inaugural site of its Urban Work College Network in Plano, Texas beginning the 2018-19 academic year.

PQC-Plano represents the first site in the planned national expansion of Paul Quinn’s Urban Work College Model (Model). The Model aims to eradicate poverty through combining higher education with access to quality jobs, secure housing, and reduced student loan burden. Paul Quinn first experimented with the Model in 2013 and was designated by the Department of Education as the ninth federally-recognized Work College in 2017. Since the implementation of the Model, Paul Quinn has reduced tuition and fees by almost $10,000, lowered the average debt of its graduates by more than $30,000, and significantly improved student retention and graduation rates.