By DOUG FERGUSON Tiger Woods is back at home in Florida to resume his recovery from career-threatening leg injuries he suffered when his SUV ran off a road
Though Venezuela is the 50th-largest nation by population (about 28 million people), the South American country has won the most major beauty pageants, with a total of 24
DALLAS, TEXAS — The Dallas Sports Commission will host the 63rd Annual Dallas Regional Spelling Bee on Friday, March 19th. In order to protect the health of participants and
A major booking agency catering to the luxury travel market has dropped all Trump-branded hotels and resorts from its elite services. Virtuoso Travel didn’t publicly announce its change
Considering the challenges facing Black Businesses and the Black Press as a result of COVID-19, the National Newspaper Publishers Association Fund Black Press Week will zero in on
The spring college graduation season will soon be upon us. No matter the country, graduation day is a joyful occasion, when an important period of anyone’s life is
By ALAN FRAM WASHINGTON (AP) — A Congress riven along party lines approved a landmark $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill Wednesday, as President Joe Biden and Democrats claimed
Considered Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, midwifery has contributed much to obstetrical knowledge. In Mexico, it is a centuries-old tradition. Midwives were highly respected figures in pre-Hispanic Mexico
SYDNEY — Attorney-General Christian Porter has launched a defamation action against the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, seeking aggravated damages over an article about a historical rape allegation. Mr. Porter