Order Healthy – New App For African Americans That Uses A Traffic Light System for Healthy Eating


African Americans represent approximately 13% of the U.S. population — while the VERY group experiences significant disparities within the greater U.S. population when it comes to chronic conditions, access to care, and preventive screens.

With this above statistical facts, consider downloading Order Healthy, which is an app where African-Americans can order take-out or delivery with foods placed in groups of what’s healthy and what’s not that is expanding all over the U.S. This NEW app was created to help people stay on the “healthy eating” path. This is an exact fit for men and women who are “on-the-go” or don’t have the time/energy to cook – but still want to live THE HEALTHY LIFE! The app gives you access to over 10,000 restaurants and allows you to view each menu item on a traffic-light rating system – with GREEN being the healthiest, YELLOW being moderate and RED being unhealthiest.