Officer charged in fatal shooting of unarmed teen Antwon Rose

(AP) ‐ A Pennsylvania police officer accused of fatally shooting an unarmed black teen hours after being sworn into the East Pittsburgh Police Department was charged Wednesday with criminal homicide.
Authorities say Officer Michael Rosfeld, who is white, shot Antwon Rose Jr., 17, on June 19 while fleeing from a car that had been stopped on suspicion it was involved in a drive‐by shooting. Police were arresting the driver when Rose and another man fled. Rose was shot three times.
Two guns were found in the vehicle, police said.Rose’s death set off a series of protests across the Pittsburgh area that drew hundreds of demonstrators, many armed with “Black Lives Matter” signs and shouting “No Justice, No Peace.”
Rosfeld, 30, who has been on administrative leave since shooting Rose. The officer had previously worked for other departments but was sworn in the East Pittsburgh force about three hours before the shooting.