My Day: Humpty Dumpty was Pushed And Bill Cosby is Innocent

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

You know the rhyme: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.  Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

That’s simply because Humpty Dumpty (“HD”) was pushed. And if not pushed. . abused. Mystery solved.

Rolling downtown trying to find a safe, undusty, pothole-free street with no 18 wheelers, this sign looms into my sight indistinctly.  I could not resist a hardy belly laugh?  I had to agree.  Humpty Dumpty was pushed. As I  keep on bouncingly rolling, a bit in a hurry,  to the airport, the cost of a another alignment on my car left my mind and was replaced passionately with this age ole English baby nursery rhyme. It is pretty silly if you give it any thought. Why is Humpty Dumpty still in circulation?

Who is Humpty Dumpty?  Well, first of all, it is definitely not an egg.  The image of Humpty Dumpty is a fat-headed egg with makeup.  Eggs are so frail, they have to be guarded at all times.  Then, why is an egg on a wall?  Imagine that. . . one of the best known nursery rhymes on a wall. The entire rhyme is again disappointing.

But you would think that “all the king’s horses”. . . the thoroughbreds, the quarterhorses, Shetland or Arabian, the Budweiser’s prancing Clydesdales, the English Shire, the roadster horses, the coach horses, ponies . . . all the king’s horses could do some damage putting Humpty back together again.  What about  all the king’s men. “The President Men” from the Watergate scandal, George Washington Carver,  Hoover, Hercules, Jesse Jackson, Haile Selassie,  Patton or Colin Powell. . . all kingmen could meet and put Humpty back in action. And please find all the exonerated ‘king men’ out there that the system failed.

My belly laugh soon turned upside down because the radio was on talking about the ‘high wall’ that Bill Cosby sat on.  The story went on to outline his slow motion “great fall” from grace.  So, here we go again, who is Bill Cosby?  Is the image one thing and the man another?  Imagine that . . . one of the best loved Dad’s on the universe seemingly falling and all the king’s horses. . . all the king’s men have gone to happy hour at the new downtown club to discuss the fall.

What do I think?  I can tell you in one sentence.   I think it is easy to find nineteen ‘broke women’.

One more sentence, please.  We do have so many other issues that need and deserve our energy, i.e., human trafficking, domestic violence and less violence on television.

Ester Davis is an award winning writer, speaker, and television host/producer. A recent delegate/writer to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

She can be reached at email: or 214.376.9000




Well, if I cannot believe in Bill Cosby anymore, I certainly