Miss Blue Revue Scholarships Information scheduled November 19, 2017


It Takes a Village…

This is a village call for help in finding young ladies who are high school juniors or seniors residing in or attending school in Dallas county that would benefit from:

*Being mentored by professional women as they enter the final phases of their high school career

*Learning valuable skills and gaining tools that will help them map out their futures

*Navigating the college admissions process (applications, scholarships, financial aid)

All it takes is for you to share this flyer and invite these young ladies to come and hear more about the Miss Blue Revue scholarship program sponsored by the Stork’s Nest Charity Fund of Dallas.

By providing opportunities such as college prep workshops, cultural experiences and mentoring, the Miss Blue Revue comprehensive scholarship program aims to live out our motto which is to “Impact a Young Girl for Life”

Believing that it takes a village to raise a child, Kappa Zeta simply ask that you help our village expand it’s reach…

RSVP at https://www.memberplanet.com/eve…/kappazpb/informational2017