McDONALD’S OF NORTH TEXAS PROMOTES READING McDonald’s of North Texas donating Happy Meal Books to promote reading in schools

McDonald’s of North Texas is donating more than 4,000 Happy Meal Books in the DFW area to promote literacy and the joy of reading.
On Tuesday, November 12, 2013, McDonald’s of North Texas is partnering with Dallas I.S. D. to promote FREADOM, an annual event that reinforces the importance of literacy and service in our community. As part of this event, McDonald’s of North Texas is donating more than 700 books to Dallas I.S.D.
From November 1 –14, McDonald’s restaurants will offer books in print for Happy Meal customers, providing more than 20 million books to families across the U.S. As part of the launch of Happy
Meal Books, McDonald’s is collaborating with Reading is Fundamental (RIF), the largest children’s literacy non-profit in the U.S., to help more children and their families discover the joy of reading. Also starting on November 1, McDonald’s will give families anytime access to reading with a new interactive digital book each month through the end of 2014. The free interactive e-books will be available on McPlay, McDonald’s Happy Meal App, and will allow kids to read, discover and explore exciting new worlds. McDonald’s new Happy Meal
Books are the company’s latest action supporting a commitment to champion children’s happiness and wellbeing by inspiring kids in a fun way to learn about nutrition, engage in active and imaginative play and develop a sense of community.