Mayor Johnson issues proclamation declaring 2020 A Year of Nonviolence in honor of MLK Day

DALLAS — Mayor Eric Johnson on Friday issued a proclamation declaring 2020 “A Year of Nonviolence” in the city.
Mayor Johnson made the proclamation in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, Jan. 20, 2020.
“Dr. King dedicated himself to the principles of nonviolence in his pursuit of a more just world, and this weekend serves as a reminder of how much people can accomplish while armed only with resolve, determination, faith, and reason,” Mayor Johnson said. “Our great city had too much violence in the past year, and the victims were predominantly people of color. This has to change, and all of us in Dallas must work together to solve the challenges our communities face.
“We obviously cannot wish crime away or eradicate it through a proclamation. But we should use this weekend, and the rest of this year, to ask ourselves what we can do to rededicate ourselves to the principles Dr. King espoused.”
Here is the language of the proclamation:
WHEREAS, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is recognized this year on January 20, 2020; and
WHEREAS, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service. The holiday celebrates the life and achievements of Dr. King as well as encourages all Americans to volunteer in their communities to honor his legacy; and
WHEREAS, service is a powerful tool for empowering individuals, strengthening communities, and addressing social problems; and
WHEREAS, this year, the City of Dallas is hosting its 38th annual celebration to honor Dr. King. The theme for the celebration is “Linking Many Cultures Together for One Dream”; and
WHEREAS, Dr. King devoted his life to advancing social justice, equality, and opportunities for all. He is known around the world for his brave leadership, powerful speeches, and nonviolent activism as a leader of the Civil Rights Movement. He led many peaceful protests, bringing together people of diverse ages, races, and faiths, and successfully advocated for positive social change in the United States; and
WHEREAS, Dr. King remained dedicated to the principles of nonviolence throughout his life that was tragically cut short; and
WHEREAS, Dallas can honor Dr. King’s legacy by rededicating itself to principles of nonviolence.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, ERIC JOHNSON, Mayor of the City of Dallas, Texas, do hereby proclaim 2020 in Dallas, TX.