Mayor Eric Johnson calls for ovation for front-line workers for Thank You Thursday


DALLAS — Mayor Eric Johnson and Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price are again asking people to give ovations at 7 p.m. on Thursday to show their appreciation for front-line workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Residents are asked to step outside their front doors and spend a few minutes cheering for healthcare workers, first responders, and all others who are working on the front lines.

“As we move into a new phase of our COVID-19 response and begin to reopen the Texas economy under Governor Abbott’s orders, it’s even more important that we find ways to thank those who work for us on the front lines of this pandemic,” Mayor Johnson said. “While the last two months have been incredibly difficult, these workers have bravely faced down unprecedented challenges. They deserve our gratitude.”

The mayors encourage people to use the hashtag #ThankYouThursday to demonstrate their appreciation for front-line workers.

Please cheer responsibly.

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