Mayhem On the Border

Dr. J. Ester Davis
Dr. J. Ester Davis

Where is America going with this reckless behavior?  What was wrong with the laws in place?  Why were they dismantled and dismissed?  What happened to diplomacy?  What cowardly examples are we setting for our nation and beyond?

Tensions escalated this week on the US-Mexican Border.  Migrants got past authorities trying to reach the US Border.  Officers fired tear gas into the crowd then closed the border between Tijuana and San Diego for several hours.  That is not a solution. This is a barbaric act. This is a spoiled three year old having a temper tantrum. This is a governmental act that is headed in the wrong direction.

This latest episode of mayhem at the border was a “shocking example” of leadership and a sad commentary to a complex situation.  We are suppose to have people to solve complex situations. I am reminded that in some American cities, homelessness was overwhelming.  Some brave and enterprising leaders attempted to solve this complex, but compassionate problem.

There are so many things that make us a great nation. The years that I traveled writing for UPI gave me a grand sense of pride being from America.  People around the world expected America to lead.  When problems from around the globe came up, the calls were to the United States of America.  Our influence was respected and sincere among just ordinary people visiting our country.  I remember vividly news on the Cold War.  We won the Cold War because we had alliances around the world that stood with us.  Now, we have come to tear gas for poor barefoot people, children in diapers, separating families.  These people walked thousands of miles to freedom.  They are not weakening our nation.  They just want a better way to live.

What I find most disturbing is the insanity that we call American politics.  The people in America are great because we care and we share.  We are a blessed nation of immigrants.  We have housed future citizens, fed them, trained them and offered assistance becoming citizens.  What is shameful is that we have the resources for caring for people who want their children educated, to live a better live, work and pay taxes.  But this administration refuses to put a process in place.  This administration’s facts are not factual.

What do I think?  We will all pay for this action because silence is an acceptance of a wrongful act.

Dr. King taught us that.  Just put in a process that works.  Call your representative and say something.

Ester Davis