Masterclass Matriarchs: The Series My Day of Women

Ester Davis

By Dr. J. Ester Davis

Welcome… to March 2022, and National Women Month.  This lead topic is one we have been working on for months.  Bravo!!! We now have our outstanding list of living Dallas Women who are ‘head-of-an-elephant-herd’ bringing noted value to the world. The women in our series are a grand mix of age, status, and purpose.  They are rulers of history, bearing banners of significance, embodying daily examples of worth, charm, and beauty. In addition, please be aware. . .their resumes will not fit on one page.  Nor can the lives they have affected be counted, estimated, or fantasized.  We just want to place them in a masterclass all by themselves.

Mrs. Kathryn Mitchell turned 100 years old last year with a party only Skyline Ranch could accommodate. For those not familiar with Texas ranches, Skyline is about normal size, about ninety(90)acres of grassy green, well-manicured  “wonder” in Southern Dallas. After the well-attended party, and while the celebrating continued, it dawned on Kathryn that she had forgotten some people. Oh really!!. You think.  Mrs. Mitchell, a retired teacher, is, first of all, keen, kindhearted, and a kindred spirit.  Her age does not hinder her ambitious attitude and young-at-heart spirit. We contacted a few native Dallasites about ‘when you think of Kathryn Mitchell what comes to mind’. . . and here is a taste of the replies:

Tom Wattley, a native son, who grew up on Reed Lane in South Dallas,  immediately responded with “ we all benefitted from her contributions.  I remember her in my younger days”.

Columnist and literary scholar, Norma Adams Wade, was cooking breakfast for grands when I called. Without hesitancy, she uttered a litany of phases my antiquated shorthand could not muster. . .she is a ‘strong tower standing in the center of a community around which people gather to hear the sound of her voice’.  Whew!!

Michael Yehdell, a founding member of Dallas Black Firefighters, retired from active duty, now teaching Firefighting at Roosevelt High School, had his say.  Mrs. Mitchell is a good neighbor, a great friend, always willing to help.

Kathryn Mitchell taught at DISD for a legendary 45 years.  She and Yvonne Ewell after which one of our super schools is named were best friends. The planning of the school took three(3)long ambitious years and houses the “Barefoot” Sanders School of Law.  Now, therefore,  all of these assets combine an appointed tenure of eight(8)years with the City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs makes her a bit overqualified for our masterclass series. A great start for supremely qualified women opening the 2022 Matriarch Series.