Local Business Owner Pens First Children’s Book – An Inspirational Story of Love and Loss


(DALLAS, TX — October 16, 2018) – Local business owner Sharon Jones-Scaife pens her first children’s book. Jones-Scaife, owner of SJS Graphic Arts based in Sachse, TX released her first children’s book, titled “I Miss You, Papa that shares the inspirational story of a 7 year old girl on love and loss.

“I Miss You, Papa” was inspired from the effects of the loss of a little girl’s grandfather and the affects his loss had on her and how she’s able to keep his memories alive.

Loss affects us all, especially children,” said Jones-Scaife, who experienced the loss of both of her parents, an aunt, uncle and her husband of 33 years over a four year period.

After a loss, we enter a state of confusion, fear and worry. In “I Miss You, Papa,” Rihanna begins to question why. Why did Papa die? Why did he die from cancer? What is cancer? Is that why Papa didn’t look like himself? What is a funeral? Why can’t Papa come home with us after the funeral? Soon, Rihanna’s worry turns to losing other loved ones. Will Mema die next?

Even though the adults answer her many questions and reassure her that everyone else is okay, Rihanna creates the “Pretend Game” to help her cope with the pain of losing Papa and to help her keep the cherished memories of Papa deep in her heart. Jones-Scaife believes the book can inspire discussions and help to answer some questions children may be confused about.

“I Miss You, Papa” is available in both print and eBook on Coffee Creek Media Group’s website https://www.coffeecreekmediagroup.com, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple iTunes and anywhere books are sold.

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Sharon Jones-Scaife grew up in Marvell, Arkansas, the fourth of 15 children. As one can imagine, she spent a great deal of time reading to her younger siblings. She is a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a BA in Graphic Design and Illustration. Sharon Jones-Scaife is the owner of SJS Graphic Arts and the publisher of Teen Graffiti, a magazine that serves as a voice for teens and as an avenue of communication, allowing teens to express their opinions, concerns, and ideas through poetry, essays, articles and photography. Sharon Jones-Scaife is also the author of Becoming, a collection of original poems and illustrations. A resident of Sachse, Texas, Sharon Jones-Scaife spends her time supporting her son in basketball, creating adventures with her grandchildren, running, cycling, writing, and of course, reading. Sharon Jones-Scaife can be reached online at contact@coffeecreekmediagroup.com.

I MISS YOU, PAPA | Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-7326867-1-7 | $19.99
| Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7326867-0-0 | $14.99
| E-book ISBN: 978-1-7326867-2-4 | $9.99
by Sharon Jones-Scaife | Frog Pond Publishing
8 1/2 x 11 inches | 28 pages | Publication Date: September 3, 2018

Available wherever books are sold: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple iTunes