Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients – Raymond & Linda Hart

“Who wants a prize?” Hamilton Park/Greenville Avenue Church of Christ certainly received
the winning prize through the works of Ray mond and Linda Hart. No one can build ex citement and anticipation for Vacation Bible School the way he can. People eagerly wait
for the annual event just to hear him say those words. Their quiet mannerisms, coupled with their vigorous work behind the scenes catapults this cou pie to the most wanted workers list. He currently serves as chairman of the board of directors for the Greenville Avenue Church of Christ Child Development Center and also, for Chris tian Works for Children. The remarkable couple has been married 49 years. Realtor, notary, author, artist, teach er, trainer, prolific reader, innovator, the patter of many backs, and spotter of talent at 100 paces, your luminosity is the stuff of legend. They are a truly hard workers in the Kingdom and Hamilton Park/Greenville Avenue is elated to stand on their shoulders.
- 1st Education Department Director, serving for 38 years
- First group of Deacons at HPCC/GACC, Ordained in 1987
- Co-Founder, Youth for Christ, current Elder
- Teacher and Vacation Bible School administrator
- Sensational women, always providing extraordinary support behind the scenes
- Youth Conference chaperone and LBC childcare
Tribute from Shelton and Jeanette Gibbs
It is an accomplishment to have 40-plus years of service to this congregation. You have served witl1 distinction and faithfulness as a Youth Minister, Education Department Di rector, Deacon, and now an Elder. You have poured your life, talents, and excellent example into the success of the 63 years of the Hamilton Park/ Greenville Avenue Church of Christ’s existence.