King the wire fox terrier takes Westminster’s best in show

NEW YORK (AP) — Wire fox terriers are still King at Westminster. A wire fox from Brazil who’s won big in Europe became America’s top dog Tuesday night, beating out a crowd‐pleasing longhaired dachshund and popular Sussex spaniel. There were some boos — along with modest cheers — at Madison Square Garden when judge Peter Green pointed at the 7‐year‐old King. “It doesn’t get any better than that,” handler Gabriel Rangel said. The win was hardly a surprise.
Wire fox terriers have won 15 times at the nation’s most prestigious dog show, far more than any other breed (Scottish terriers are second, with eight). Green is a renowned figure in the dog world, especially for his work with terriers. He’s previously picked King as the champ at other shows. Wired to win, this dog was. “I look at King, he’s like a beautiful painting, a piece of art,” Rangel praised earlier in the day. “The way he stands and performs, he’s the whole package.”