Is There Justice for Black People in America?


There has never been justice for Black people in this country. Everything started the wrong way for all Black people in this country. First of all Black people were made slaves for over four hundred years. Never having a chance to go to school, own American businesses travel from one place to another, sold as cattle, and taken from family by ownership. Tied to stakes and whipped unmerciful before other slaves, and white overseers. The constitution was broken by, or let be broken other white leaders of this country “THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL”

Secondly, freedom for Black people occurred in 1865, under the influence of President Abraham Lincoln. This of course was only freedom of ownership. Black people could not go wherever they wanted to go, or do what everyone else did. Limits were put upon them. After slavery ended, “JIM CROW” for Black people.  KEEP YOU IN YOUR PLACE.” After Jim Crow Law came segregation, “Not Good Enough” to associate with us as white people. The Civil Rights movement brought about civil rights for all people. All the civil rights movement did was covered up everything that was in effect before, but thank God for John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson anyway. Fifty years later the cover up starts unfolding again.

We do not have to get out of Dallas to have seen this coming. In the fifties and early sixties we had marches, sit in’s at Walgreens, and a few other places to let people know that we were as good as any other people in America… My pastor was one of those who were involved in these “Sit In’s”, Rev. Allen G. Madison. There was a time when Black people could not shop at the Neiman Marcus clothing store here in Dallas, Texas. When Neiman Marcus finally opened their doors to Black people they could only shop there one day per week (Wednesday) at a certain time a day. When they were able to shop there, they had to know their right size, because they could not try on any clothing. If the clothing did not fit, you could not carry it back for an exchange, and if a Black woman went there for a hat she must have newspaper, or something to put over her head in order to try on a hat.

Black police was out of the question. My friend Jessie Dawson and Starks were the only two police on the force. They did not have a police car, and if they made an arrest they had to call police headquarters to request that the person be picked up and carried to jail by white police. More Black men were killed in those days by white police than anyone else. Michael Brown who was killed in Ferguson, Mo. Reminds me of how it was in Dallas during the early forties, and early fifties. Young Black males, or males period were open season targets for white police in the city of Dallas. Many young Black men were sent to prison with long sentences for nothing really. It was really a shame before God. I know what I am talking about, because many of these young men were my friends. Just when you think those days are few in this day and times we see that these things were just covered up for a while. When the first Black President came aboard the cover was rolled back all over America. The answer to the question asked: “IS THERE JUSTICE FOR BLACK PEOPLE IN AMERICA?” The answer is “NO”.